Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Development Plan

Groundwork Funded
In accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulation 14, the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum is undertaking a public consultation and would like to invite comments from organisations and individuals on its Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan.The public consultation runs from 8 March 2018 until 19 April 2018.
The Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum has produced a Neighbourhood Development Plan which covers the whole of Oulton and Woodlesford. The Plan contains a vision for the villages along with a set of aims, planning policies and proposals, and community actions to achieve the vision. The planning policies within the Plan seek to protect the character of the villages, with policies guiding new development, notably for housing, business, and greenspace.
Following this consultation, the Plan will be amended and then submitted to Leeds City Council, as required, for a further “Regulation 16” consultation and independent examination. The Plan, if successful at examination, will then proceed to a local referendum. If the Plan receives a majority vote, the Plan will then be ‘made’ and become part of the statutory development plan – the Local Plan - for Leeds. Any planning applications submitted within the boundary will be determined in accordance with this Plan.
Aim of this consultation
This consultation seeks your views on the content of the proposed Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Development Plan.Availability of Documents
The proposed Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents can be access via the link below:Hard copies of the proposed Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Development Plan are also available for inspection at the following locations:
- local Post Offices
- Rothwell One-Stop Centre
- Rothwell Sports Centre
- Oulton with Woodlesford Parish Hall
- Methodist Chapel
- Oulton Institute
- Leeds Mobile Library
- Temple Lawn Community Centre
How to Comment
The Forum welcomes your comments. Comments should be submitted, preferably using the Survey Monkey questionnaire link below or by completing a paper questionnaire which should be returned to The Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton. Written representations may be delivered to the same address or sent by way of the Forum’s website.
The deadline for comments was 12 April 2018.
Further Information
Should you have any further queries about the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Development Plan please contact us via the website, email, or send a letter the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum, Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton, Leeds LS26 8SX.Summary of Plan: Click Here
Full Consultation Documents: Click Here