The Forum’s Objectives
The Forum’s Constitution recognises the objectives of the Neighbourhood Forum as:
- to agree a long term vision for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
- to promote and improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Oulton an d Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
- to represent the people who live, work or carry out business in the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
- to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area in conformity with the local development plan and the national planning policy framework.
The Plan’s vision for 2033
Our vision is for Oulton and Woodlesford to be a pair of conjoined villages that share a wide range of services and facilities and offer a high quality of life through great educational, recreational and working opportunities for all. The villages have a wide range and diversity of high quality housing stock and are surrounded by high quality and accessible countryside and the well maintained and highly prized parklands. A significant feature that epitomises our twin urban and rural character is the canal corridor which now provides a wide range of excellent recreational opportunities.
Listed below is a list of the Policies contained in the Plan, - the Plan itself contains the supporting evidence for these policies and a number of important appendices which are listed at the end of this Newsletter.
H1a: Smaller homes
New housing developments, containing more than 10 units, should contain at least 50% smaller homes (i.e. homes having a maximum of two bedrooms).
H1b: Affordable homes
New housing developments, containing more than 10 units, should:
- Contain at least 20% affordable homes
- Ensure that affordable homes are intermingled (“pepper-potted”) with the other homes
- Be delivered either on the development site or elsewhere in the Neighbourhood Area
H2: Design of new housing developments
New housing development should have regard to the following:
- Developments should reflect the scale and layout of adjoining neighbourhoods. New developments should have individuality and avoid “Open Plan Anywhere Suburbia” and should include a mix of single storied housing, terraces, and yards.
- Developments should provide adequate off-road parking, designed so that vehicles do not dominate house frontages, either within the curtilage of new homes or through the provision of on street bays and other areas dedicated to car parking and that do not serve to clutter the street scene or act as an obstruction to the free flow of vehicles and that are located within the development site. Provision should be as follows: 1 or 2 bedroom units – 2 spaces; 3 bedroom units – 3 spaces; 4 bedroom and larger units – 4 spaces.
- Developments should be designed with the security of residents in mind.
- Developments should have high standards of insulation and should conform to the Passive House Standard of near carbon neutrality.
- House builders are encouraged to have pre-application consultation and engagement with both local residents and with the Forum’s Steering Committee. This should normally lead to a pre-application design code. If the house builder then wishes to make proposals that are at variance with consultation inputs, an opportunity to discus these with residents should be afforded.
- New housing developments should contain no more than 40 units in any phase of development, in order not to overwhelm surroundings and to encourage variety in the urban landscape.
- Each development proposal of 10 or more units should contain at least 20% of either single storied units, or two storied units adapted for independent living.
H3: Design principles for identified site allocations
Development proposals for the following locations should have regard to the following design
- HG2-176. Windlesford Green Hostel, Holmsley Lane, Woodlesford: There are mature trees on the site that should be protected. Preference for this sites to be developed as flats as this would allow a higher density (possibly upto 40 units). Ground floor flats should be suitable for persons with limited mobility.
- HG2-177. Alma Villas (site of), Woodlesford LS26 8PW: There are mature trees in the site that should be protected. The site slopes and is also an awkward shape. Vehicle access via Alma Street is poor. A small part of the site is Green Belt which could be retained as green space. Development of this site could contain a larger number of smaller units than the Leeds Site Allocation Plan proposes.
- HG2-178. Aberford Road - site of Glenoit and Minerva Mills, Oulton: Small business premises would be viable on this site together with flats. By building flats instead of houses, the capacity of the site could be increased considerably. The canalside location would make it an ideal location for one or more restaurant.
- MX2-14. Aberford Road (77/79), Oulton LS26 8HS: The site is classified for mixed development. About half the site currently houses a garage and car showrooms. The southern part of the site is likely to be available and should be developed to strengthen the Oulton village hub. The site would be ideal for extra care housing. It is well situated for this, being near to shops, post office and a cafĂ© and on a bus route. Such a development will increase the site’s capacity. The frontage on to Midland Street (approximately 30m) also has potential for development.
- HG2-179. Fleet Lane/Eshald Lane: The draft Site Allocations Plan identifies this site for housing, but the Forum believes this site is ideal for allotments as there are only a few allotments in the Forum’s area and a waiting list for these.
The following site is not favoured for development by the Forum but should it proceed then the following design principles should apply:
- HG2-180. Fleet Lane/Methley Lane: In the event of this development being taken forward, we do not wish to see it developed piecemeal, but instead as a number of separate developments, each containing no more than forty units. Before planning applications are submitted, the Forum wishes to reach agreement with developers for an overall plan for the area including the position of the school and traffic management. Landscaping and greenspaces which accompany any development should be carefully designed in order to mitigate the impact on the Special Landscape Area, the adjacent Conservation Area and the Green Belt. Serious consideration should also be given to the impact of HS2 which runs adjacent to the site and particularly close in the NE corner and how the impact can be mitigated.
The design of the built environment
DBE1: Design of the built environment
The following principles should apply to all developments:
- Development proposals should respect local architecture and valued heritage assets.
- Development proposals should preserve and enhance the Conservation Areas in line with the Oulton and Woodlesford Conservation Area Appraisal Management Plans.
- Loss of garden setting and infill development will be resisted from development particularly in the Conservation Areas.
- Large, mature trees in gardens and on streets provide a soft backdrop for views within and into the village. These should be maintained or, where lost, be replaced on a like for like basis.
For each individual Character Area, all developments should demonstrate how proposals meet the stated “Aspirations for Neighbourhood Plan policies” as identified in Appendix 1.
Character Areas are defined as:
- Oulton village
- Woodlesford village
- Pottery Lane
- Beechwood and the Northwoods
- The Lynwoods
- The Maltings
- All Saints
- North Oulton
- The Eastfields
- Derwent Avenue and Langdales
- The Parkways
- Holmsley Grange
- South Oulton
- Oulton Hall and Park and St John the Evangelist Church
- Water Haigh Country Park
DBE2: Develop village centre shopping and leisure environments
In order to facilitate the cohesive and sustainable growth of the Neighbourhood Area, development proposals will be welcomed which support a more integrated, high street style village centre on Aberford Road, Oulton from the Calverley Road/Aberford intersection through to Clown House (former Ritz Cinema). Developments should have regard to:
- Improved safety for pedestrians and vehicle users
- Enhanced the built environment of the street scene
- Encourage greening of the street scene
- Maintain a balance and mix between residential and commercial property
- Prioritise mixed development on any new development site in this area
- Promote commercial foot-fall through physical improvements to pedestrian access, street scene and car-parking.
- Favour new commercial activity in use classes A1-A3.
Development proposals at the commercial centre on Church Street, Woodlesford, should be in line with existing use classes in this location and support the ongoing sustainability of this smaller village centre.
DBE3: Protection and enhancement of local non-designated heritage assets
The local non-designated heritage assets detailed in Appendix 3 of the Plan have been identified as being important in the local community Any development proposal that would impact upon an identified feature should consider their heritage value and have regard to how the proposal will contribute towards the sustainability of the affected asset.
Community services and facilities
CF1: Community facilities
The following community facilities will be registered as Assets of Community Value with Leeds City Council. The change of use of these facilities will only be permitted if it can be demonstrated that reasonable efforts have been made to secure their continued use for the current purposes and/or alternative provision is made:
- St John the Evangelist church, Oulton
- Methodist Church, Woodlesford
- Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton
- All Saints Parish Hall, Woodlesford
- Methodist Chapel, Oulton
- Oulton & Woodlesford community sports club
- Rothwell Leisure Centre
- Oulton Primary School
- Woodlesford Primary School
- Royds School, Oulton
CF2: Sports facilities
Development proposals should seek to
- Protect and enhance, as well as promote and improve accessibility to established formal sport facilities (leisure centre, sports clubs) and informal all-age exercise and play facilities.
- Encourage the provision of new and replacement sports facilities.
- Where existing facilities are improved or enhanced – for example, through the provision of a replacement Rothwell Leisure Centre – every effort should be made to ensure that disruption of services is minimised to the community and users.
- Demonstrate demand and support from the community.
CF3: Educational facilities
Support will be given to proposals whose purpose is to facilitate the development of educational
facilities, in particular:
- The growth of educational facilities on their current sites where this does not lead to the unacceptable loss of recreational open space or cause unacceptable amenity loss to neighbours.
- Proposals that deliver a public library function, supporting educational establishments in the neighbourhood area.
Green environment
E1: Local Green Spaces
The following areas are designated as Local Green Spaces:
- Albert Road amenity green spaces (AR 1 - 4)
- All Saints Road amenity green space (ASR)
- All Saints Road/ Eshald Place amenity green space (ASE)
- Allotments, Albert Road (ABA)
- Allotments, Bernard Street (BSA)
- Applegarth Manor amenity green space (AGM)
- Ashleigh Gardens amenity green space (AG1)
- Calverley Road amenity green space (CR1)
- Canal tow path,Woodlesford lock to Lemonroyd lock (CSW)
- Canal-side from Woodlesford lock NW towards Leeds (CSE)
- Clumpcliffe access road (CCA)
- Farrer Lane amenity green space (FL1)
- Fields to SE of The Maltings (FSM)
- Green Lea amenity green space (GL2)
- Gipsy Lane amenity green space GL1)
- Holmsley Field Lane amenity green space (HFL)
- Holmsley Lane amenity green spaces (HL1)
- Holmsley Walk (HW1 &2)
- Linwood Avenue (LA1)
- Linwood Crescent amenity green space (LA1)
- Midland Street flower bed (MS21)
- Northwood Park amenity green spaces (NP1)
- Oulton Community Sports Club (OSC)
- Oulton Hall Park (OHP)
- Oulton Primary School playing field (OPS)
- Oulton War Memorial (OWM)
- Pickpocket Lane green space (PPL)
- Pymont Drive amenity green space (PD1)
- Quarry Hill green space (QH1)
- Sherwood Way sports field (SW1)
- South Oulton amenity green space (SHC)
- Station Lane, amenity green space (WS1)
- Sydney Street amenity green space (SS1)
- The Maltings entrance (MA2)
- The Maltings amenity green space (MA1)
- Water Haigh Park, canal- and river-side WH1)
- Water Haigh Park, Eshald Woods (WH2)
- Water Haigh Park, Fleet Bridge Woods (WH3)
- Water Haigh Park, part adjacent to Eshald Lane, SE of
- buildings in Aberford Road (WH5)
- Water Haigh Park, football pitches (WH4)
- Woodlesford Park (WP1)
- Woodlesford Primary School (WPS)
- Woodlesford Village Green (CS1)
GE2a: Green corridors
- Leeds Special Landscape Area
- Aire and Calder Navigation/ River Aire corridor
GE2b: Green infrastructure
Development proposals should seek to integrate strong green infrastructure, including:
- New accessible public green spaces for formal and informal recreation. New green space should seek to address identified deficits in the area and/or vicinity of the development.
- Retention of hedges, trees and landscape features.
- Retention of existing street trees and those ‘off street’ which form part of the street scene and
- provision of new trees wherever practicable. Existing trees in the street scene should be conserved and replaced on a like for like basis should felling be deemed inevitable.
- Provision of porous surfaces wherever hardstanding is required off the carriageway.
- Provide corridors for wildlife to move through, around or across a development site.
GE3: Protecting views in the landscape
Development proposals should respect and maintain key views across the area, as identified in the Oulton and Woodlesford Design Statement, Conservation Area Appraisals and illustrated on the Policies Map, in order to maintain the character and appearance of the area.
- Views out to the surrounding countryside are important to the east side of the Conservation Area. The flat topography is a feature of the long distance views.
- Significant views from Methley Lane to Oulton Park and the spire of St John the Evangelist Church; also across to Oulton village and its Conservation Area both from Methley Lane over Oulton Beck and from Fleet Lane with the spire again in the background.
- Panoramic views from Leeds Road to the south and west.
- The view of the spire of St John the Evangelist Church and Oulton Park from Parkways Avenue provides an interesting vista.
- Top of North Lane has excellent long distance views down the hill. The wide verges add a sense of openness.
- The tree at the junction of Quarry Hill and Midland Street is the focal point of the views down Oulton Lane.
- From Beechwood and Northwood there are dramatic views across the Aire Valley to Temple Newsam.
- The view of Woodlesford Village set on its hillside from across the river from the A642 and Bullerthorpe Lane.
- Views into the village along Aberford Road announcing arrival into Oulton.
- Views to the open countryside over the river and navigation, link Woodlesford with its setting. Leventhorpe Hall is a particular feature of these views.
- Views from Oulton Hall across Oulton, Woodlesford and the surrounding areas.
GE4: Improve access to Public Rights of Way
All new developments proposals should seek to provide safe pedestrian access to link up with existing or proposed footpaths, ensuring that residents can walk safely to bus stops and other village facilities.
All new development should demonstrate how it contributes to improved off-road and nonmotorised
accessible routes that:
- Serve to link the villages together.
- Provide for improved access to the surrounding countryside.
- Link the villages to nearby communities and facilities outside the neighbourhood area.
Business and economy
BE1: New business and employment development
- Provides greater diversity in the commercial/retail sectors (shops, restaurants).
- Provides new small "start-up units" for businesses.
- Encourages the development of a local visitor/ tourism economy, particularly in canal corridor locations.
High Speed Rail
HSR1: Managing the impact of the development phase
During the period leading up to and during construction through the Neighbourhood Area, the developer and their contractors should seek to limit adverse environmental impacts upon the community and its environment. To this end, prior to the period in question, the developer shall:
- Develop a sustainable development policy setting out defining principles regarding all aspects of operations and how potential impacts will be avoided or mitigated in respect of all areas where there is potential for impact, i.e.
- agriculture, forestry and soils;
- air quality;
- climate change;
- community;
- ecology;
- electromagnetic interference;
- health;
- historic environment;
- land quality;
- landscape and visual;
- major accidents and disasters;
- socio-economics;
- sound, noise and vibration;
- traffic and transport;
- waste and material resources; and
- water resources and flood risk.
- Engage with local authorities and other stakeholders to identify additional potential regeneration opportunities within the Neighbourhood Area.
HSR2: Design, community and the landscape
The promoter and the nominated developer(s) will seek to ensure that:
- Design contributes to the government’s pursuit of sustainable development, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, which involves seeking positive improvements in the quality of the built, natural and historic environment, as well as in people’s quality of life, with reference to the following elements where impacts are possible:
- agriculture, forestry and soils;
- air quality;
- climate change;
- community;
- ecology;
- electromagnetic interference;
- health;
- historic environment;
- land quality;
- landscape and visual;
- major accidents and disasters;
- socio-economics;
- sound, noise and vibration;
- traffic and transport;
- waste and material resources; and
- water resources and flood risk.
- Design of all visible elements of the built and landscaped environment are sympathetic to their local context and to the environment and setting in respect of the local community;
- The design is developed through engagement to seek peoples' views and ideas on the aesthetic design of the visible buildings and permanent structures;
- Appendix 1 Character Areas Assessment
- Appendix 2 Key Views
- Appendix 3 Non Designated Local Heritage Assessment
- Appendix 4 Local Green Spaces Assessment
- Appendix 5 Community Facilities Assessment
- Appendix 6 Supporting Evidence
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