
Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum 

( adopted at second Annual General Meeting, 27th April 2014 )

1.                       The name of the Forum shall be Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum.

2.                       The objectives of the Forum shall be:
                to agree  a long term vision for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
                to promote and improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
                to represent the people who live, work or carry out business in the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
                to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area in conformity with the local development plan and the national planning policy framework.

3.                       The area to be covered by the Forum shall be the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area, as shown on the map.

4.                       Voting membership of the Forum shall be open to all those, aged 16 or over, who:
            live in the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.
            work in the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area (whether for businesses carried on there or otherwise).
            are elected ward members for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Area.

Non-voting membership shall be open to those who do not meet the requirements to be a voting member, but who have an interest in assisting the Forum to achieve its aims.

5.           The Forum is designated for a period of 5 years. However, the Forum can apply to have the designation renewed.

6.           Communication with the Membership shall be by e-mail, by notices posted on the Neighbourhood's notice boards and on the Forum's website. A written request for an alternative method of notification may be sent to the Membership Secretary.  The Steering Committee will consider such a request and will approve it where practical.

7.                       The Forum shall strive actively to involve young people in discussions on all matters.

8.                       The Forum shall not be affiliated to any political party or organisation.

9.                       Steering Committee.

9.1    The day-to-day management of the Forum shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee.
9.2    The Steering Committee shall consist of an Honorary Chair,  Honorary Vice-Chair, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Minutes Secretary, Honorary Membership Secretary, Honorary  Communications and Press Officer and ten Ordinary Members.
9.3    At least five of the Ordinary Members of the Steering Committee shall live in the area covered by the Forum
9.4    At least four of the Ordinary Members of the Steering Committee shall work in the area covered by the Forum (whether for businesses carried on there or otherwise).
9.6    The quorum for meetings of the Steering Committee shall be eight members.
9.7    Decisions of the Steering Committee shall be taken by a majority of those voting.
9.8    Membership of the Steering Committee shall be open to all voting members of the Forum
9.9    All members of the Steering Committee shall be elected at the Forum’s Annual General Meeting to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.  Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
9.10  Nominations for positions on the Steering Committee must be submitted, in writing, to the Honorary Chair or Honorary Vice-Chair, seven days before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.  The proposer, seconder and nominee must all sign the nomination, and must all be voting members of the Forum.
9.11  The Steering Committee may co-opt members to the Committee to fill any vacancies that arise. 
9.12  The Steering Committee may co-opt additional members to the Committee.  Such co-opted members shall not be entitled to vote.
9.14  Members of the Forum may attend meetings of the Steering Committee as observers.  They shall not be eligible to vote nor to contribute to the meeting except when invited.

10.                   General Meetings of the Forum.

10.1  Fourteen days notice of General Meetings shall be given to the membership.
10.2  The Annual General Meeting shall be held on or soon after April 1st each year, and shall receive reports from the Honorary Chair and Honorary Treasurer. 
10.3  The quorum for the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting shall be twenty one members.
10.4  Members unable to attend a General Meeting may appoint another member as their proxy to vote on their behalf at the General Meeting.  The document appointing the proxy must be signed by the member, and the proxy must bring the document to the General Meeting.
10.5  Amendments to the Constitution shall be considered by a General Meeting and shall require a two thirds majority of members voting.  All other decisions shall be by a simple majority of members voting.
10.6  The election of members of the Steering Committee shall be by written ballot.  All other votes shall be by a show of hands except where a majority of members present vote for a written ballot. 

11.                   The Forum’s bank account shall be known as Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum.  All financial transactions must be authorised by any two of the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Chair and the Honorary Vice-Chair.

12.                   All money donated to or raised by the Forum shall only be used to help achieve the aims of the Forum as set out in Article 2 of this constitution.

13.                   If the Steering Group propose to disband the Forum then a Special General Meeting shall be held and all members advised of the reasons for the Steering Group’s proposal.  The decision to disband the Forum shall be taken if supported by two thirds of members voting at the Special General Meeting.

14.                   Upon being disbanded, any assets, after payment of all debts and liabilities will be disposed of to other organisations having similar objectives to those of the Forum. 

Download the Constitution and view the area covered by the Forum on this map.