25 November 2021

Call to vote for the Neighbourhood Plan on 2 December

Polling cards have been arriving on the doormat over recent weeks in Oulton & Woodlesford, and now, for those with postal votes, ballot papers have joined them. 

Without any prospect of an election any time soon, a lot of people have been wondering what they are expected to vote on. When they hear it’s for another referendum, people scarred from the experience of 2016, are concerned that they have even less information to make their mind up on this one. 

The vote is whether to adopt a 150 page document called the ‘Neighbourhood Plan for Oulton and Woodlesford’, and it’s been written [in consultation with local residents and businesses] by a group of local people sitting on the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum. 

I’ve included a summary of what the document hopes to achieve, as it is appreciated that most people will not have the time to absorb the full document.

It’s taken 10 years to write, and it is no small feat for a bunch of dedicated volunteers.

Their motivation was to try and even the balance between developers and the community when it comes to influencing what is built in our area. If the Plan is approved by the local population in this referendum, then the Council will use the extra guidance within it to achieve better planning decisions that affect our area. 

I appreciate that a lot of people will not have followed the progress of this enterprise over the years, but I have as local councillor, and I am urging as many of you as possible to vote yes to adopt this plan for the interests of all of us as local residents. Thank you.

Stewart Golton