The Forum's Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday 4 October 2020 at 2pm by telephone conference call. Nominations for posts and votes shall be submitted, in writing, in advance of the meeting in accordance with our constitution and the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.
As C-19 restrictions prevent us holding a physical meeting, the AGM will take place by telephone conference instead. We have chosen this method to ensure the meeting is accessible to everyone that wishes to attend, as only a fixed or mobile telephone is required.
Those wishing to attend should dial-in five minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting, clearly recording their first and last name. The meeting will be recorded. Dial 0333 0112 308, enter room number 56758060 # and guest PIN 1397 #
Nominations for positions on the Steering Committee must be submitted, in writing, seven days before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting. The proposer, seconder and nominee must all sign the nomination, and must all be voting members of the Forum. Proposal forms must be receive no later than 2.00 pm on Sunday 27 September 2020 and should be posted to the Forum at Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton, Leeds LS26 8SX.
Where nominations exceed available posts, details of those nominated for such posts shall be publicised on this website from 28 September 2020. We would ask that hard copy proxy votes are made wherever possible in advance of the AGM by eligible voting members. These should be addressed to the Chair of the AGM and be received by 2.00pm on Saturday 3 October 2020. Post forms to the Forum at Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton, Leeds LS26 8SX.
Why do we require hard copy votes in advance?
Due to the logistics of the AGM, the inherent limitations of conducting a vote by telephone, and the requirement to identify and verify eligible voting members, written proxy votes are the only viable option. The Chair of the meeting may, by exception, invite specific individuals to cast their vote during the meeting where they wish to change their proxy vote or were for legitimate reasons unable to vote in advance. Where a clear majority exists, relative to those eligible to vote during the meeting, no vote shall be called during the meeting. Where votes are cast during the meeting, results shall be provisional until such time as the voter is verified.