25 October 2014

Help plan the future of Oulton and Woodlesford!

Open Meeting for all who live or work in the two villages

Held: Sunday Nov. 30th, 2.00 to 4.00, at the Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton

Now that the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum has been ‘designated’, it is the official organisation charged with drawing up a plan for the villages for at least the next 15 years. This plan, if approved, will become part of planning law and regulate future development.

It is important that everyone who lives or works in Oulton or Woodlesford has an opportunity to contribute to the plan. We are therefore holding an Open Meeting at which we will (briefly) give an account of our progress so far, but leave lots of time for contributions ‘from the floor’. We have identified a number of Focus Areas for the Plan. These are Community Assets, Housing, Landscape and the Environment, the Local Economy, Renewable Energy, Sports and Leisure, and Transport. In addition, we hope to have further Focus Groups on Health and on Education. If any of these areas are of interest to you, you will be particularly welcome.

This is not a closed meeting; you don’t have to be a member of the Forum to attend (although we will of course welcome our present and future members). Please come, we need your input and support. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided.

At the meeting, copies of the newly-approved Oulton and Woodlesford Design Statement, a very handsome document, will be available (£5), all proceeds going to the running of the Forum.

David Cove
Chair, Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum