14 May 2013

Strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA)

What is SHLAA?

A SHLAA is a desktop exercise to assess the amount of land that could be made available for housing development. It must be prepared by local authorities with involvement of external interested parties. The Leeds SHLAA Partnership is made up of representatives of the housing industry, the HCA, the Property Forum, CPRE, Renew, ​City Councillors and council officers.

SHLAA and the planning process

 The inclusion of a site within the SHLAA does not imply support for development. The planning policies of Leeds City Council as well as national and regional planning policy will determine suitability for development. Many sites within this category will not be needed or are likely to be inappropriate from a policy perspective.

Suggestions for New Sites

Any person can make a suggestion for a new SHLAA site, not just landowners and their agents. Although a suggestion can be made at any time of year, updates will not bepublished until the annual update takes place.

SHLAA and Neighbourhood Planning

The SHLAA provides a source of information about potential housing land for those engaged in Neighbourhood Planning to draw upon for their local neighbourhood plans. However, if the neighbourhood forums considers that other land would be appropriate for housing development, this may be suggested for inclusion.

Further details

Leeds City Council SHLAA
SHLAA map for our area